Stop rounding your billable hours

At Hourly, we believe that time spent on administrative tasks is a surefire way to kill off valuable time throughout the day. That’s why we’ve designed our software to automatically integrate projects into your time tracking experience. No more rounding down project times after the fact. With Hourly, just tap the project, click the timer, and you’re away.

Project Reporting and Integrations

A free time tracking and invoicing app that’s enjoyable to use

Get real-time insights into how each client, project and person is performing

Hourly’s and weekly email summaries help you stay up-to-speed with everything related to billing and project profitability. Get breakdowns across people, clients, projects and the entire office as you refine and build your business into the most effective team possible.

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Sync Hourly to your favourite apps

Hourly integrates seamlessly into your favourite accounting and project management tools. Find out more about Hourly’s

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Project Time Tracker

Have a question?

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions:

Is there a way to archive completed projects in Hourly?

Hourly’s project time tracker app allows you to archive completed projects to keep your workspace organised and focused on active tasks. Once a project is completed, you can move it to the archive where it remains accessible for future reference but is no longer listed with ongoing projects. Archiving is simple: select the project you wish to archive from the Projects tab and choose the 'Archive' option next to the project name. This feature helps in maintaining a clean and manageable project list, while still preserving records of past projects for compliance, analysis, or historical reference. This is essential for managing projects effectively and keeping track of time spent on completed endeavours.

How can I manage project budgets within Hourly?

Managing project budgets within Hourly is facilitated by several built-in project time tracking tools. When setting up a project, you can define a budget in terms of hours or monetary value. Hourly then tracks all time logged and expenses incurred against this budget. You will receive alerts if the project is at risk of exceeding the set budget, allowing for timely adjustments. This proactive budget management helps prevent cost overruns and ensures that the project remains financially viable from start to finish. Additionally, basic time tracking features support billable hours and create invoices, enhancing financial oversight.

How does Hourly’s project time tracking tool help with monitoring project progress?

Hourly provides several tools to track time spent on each project. Within each project, you can set milestones and tasks, which can be tracked as they are completed. Hourly offers a visual progress bar and percentage completion features, giving you an at-a-glance view of how far along the project is. Additionally, time tracking data can be analysed to see how much time has been spent on specific tasks or phases of the project, allowing for adjustments to be made if certain areas are taking longer than expected.

This real-time tracking helps in making informed decisions to keep projects on schedule and within scope. Hourly is one of the best time tracking software options available, particularly as a free time tracking app that supports unlimited users.

How can I create a new project in Hourly?

Creating a new project in Hourly is straightforward and user-friendly. To start, simply navigate to the Projects tab on your dashboard and click on the 'ADD A NEW PROJECT' button. You will be prompted to enter key details about the project, including the project name, client association (if applicable), start and end dates, and a brief description. You can also assign team members to the project at this stage. Once all details are filled in, save the project, and it will immediately be available for project time tracking, further time tracking, and management. This streamlined process helps ensure that all necessary project information is captured from the outset, making Hourly one of the best free time tracking apps to manage projects.