Connect Slack to Hourly

If you're unfamiliar with Slack...

Slack is a collaboration hub designed to streamline communication and teamwork within an organisation. It offers real-time messaging, file sharing, and integration with various tools and services, creating a centralised platform for team interactions. Channels allow for organised discussions by topic, project, or department, while direct messages facilitate private conversations within your team.

Slack's searchable archive ensures that past communications and shared files with each team member are easily accessible. Additionally, the Slack workspace supports voice and video calls, enhancing remote collaboration. With customizable notifications and extensive app integrations (like Hourly), Slack helps teams stay connected and productive, regardless of their location.
Log Time Use a Timer
You can log hours after completeing a task
Start/stop a timer to record how long a task was worked on

Find missing or incomplete time entries

Start and stop a timer to record how long you’ve worked on a task.

Opt-in for helpful reminders

Hourly lets you know when you’ve got missing or incomplete time entries.

Hourly lets you know when you’ve got missing or incomplete time entries.

Set yourself as ‘away’ (sick, holiday or other) to stop reminders and alerts and make predictions more accurate.

Keep track of invoices

Get a breakdown of total billables to be invoiced, draft invoices, completed invoices as well as a shortcut to Hourly’s invoice page.

Integrated Time Tracking

Why is Hourly the best time tracking app Slack can pair with?

If you already work in a platform like Slack, tracking your time from the same interface is a no-brainer. By integrating Hourly with Slack, you streamline the process of time recording and simplify administrative duties for your team. Initiate the timer directly within Slack, monitor the duration of each task, and see which team members are involved. All time logged in Slack is automatically synced with Hourly, complete with the relevant task ID and a direct link to the Slack conversation where the time was recorded. This integration promotes efficient time management and precise record-keeping, eliminating the hassle and boosting project profitability.

Slack + Hourly =
a streamlined billing process

Supercharge your billing with the Hourly app in Slack. Instantly invoice clients for the time recorded in the Slack chatbot and recoup the true value of your time. With unlimited users and client projects, there’s no reason why every member of your team can’t track, log and bill their time accurately with Hourly’s Slack integration.

Other Features

Manage Expenses Get detailed reports of your own hours Get breakdown of hours by client, projects, people Check if you have a timer running

Connect Slack to Hourly

Slack Track Online Time

Have a question?

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions:

Does Slack have built-in time tracking capabilities?

No, Slack does not have its own time tracking function. Third-party time tracking apps are available in the Slack app directory, like Hourly, Jibble, Clockify etc.

How do you track time in Slack?

Users can interact with Hourly directly within their Slack account through conversational messages. The chatbot is designed to assist with various tasks, streamline workflows, and provide information without needing to switch to the Hourly app, making it a convenient tool for improving productivity and communication within Slack.

Can I do everything in Hourly via Slack?

While Hourly’s Slack integration offers a wide range of functionalities, it does not encompass every feature available in the full Hourly application. For instance, tasks such as invoicing need to be done directly through the Hourly app. However, the integration does support many other essential features like tracking time, managing leave, and editing past entries. If you are ever unsure of what commands are available or how to use them, simply type 'Help' in the Slack chat. This will bring up a list of available commands and their respective syntax, ensuring you can make the most out of the integration’s capabilities.

Why is the screen blank when I first connect to Slack?

We integrate with several chat clients and messaging platforms and they all work in slightly different ways. Currently, Slack does not initiate a chat when connected but will respond when you type anything.