Slack and Hourly

Track Time and see what's happening with people, clients and projects from Slack.

Log Time Enter time after you've completed a task.
Use a Timer Start and stop a timer to record how long you've worked on a task.
Find Missing or Incomplete Time Entries Start and stop a timer to record how long you've worked on a task.
Opt-in for Helpful Reminders Hourly lets you know when you've got missing or incomplete time entries
Tell Hourly when you're not working Set yourself as away (sick, holiday or other) to stop reminders and alerts and make predictions more accurate.
Keep Track of Invoices Get a break down of total billables to be invoiced, draft invoices, completed invoices as well as a short to Hourly's invoice page.
Other Features
Manage Expenses Get a breakdown of your own hours Get breakdown of hours by client, projects, people Check if you have a timer running